Saturday, April 21, 2007

In our last chapter our monkey villain was plotting to seek revenge on me for catching him red handed in the act of pickpocketing my friend, Stefanie. He decided to call for reinforcements. Soon after his partner in crime played cute and cuddly long enough for me to invite him to climb up my arm and onto my shoulder. Then his fury was unleashed as he grabbed me by the hair and proceeded to sink his teeth into my head! Horrified witnesses gathered to watch, helpless to do anything except take pictures and laugh. Once again our villain's evil plan was thwarted because he failed to realize that I have an unusually hard head that cannot be penetrated by a mere set of monkey teeth! Also, I cannot be sure if this is true or not, but I believe that our evil villain was unable to carry out the assault on my head himself because he was nursing a tummy ache after eating the dollar...proof that good always triumphs over evil!!


At 5:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

As one of the horrified witnesses, I have to admit the brutal assault was quite amusing to the rest of us. We had a great time with you guys on Roatan. Good luck on re-matriculating into the States.


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